
X11をインストールしていない環境で、/usr/ports/lang/ruby をメイクすると、

# cd /usr/ports/lang/ruby
# make
===>  ruby-1.8.5p7 uses X11, but /usr/X11R6 not found.



# FLAVOR="no_x11" make install


*** WARNING: you may see an error such as
***       virtual memory exhausted
*** when building this package.  If you do you must increase
*** your limits.  See the man page for your shell and look
*** for the 'limit' or 'ulimit' command. You may also want to
*** see the login.conf(5) manual page.
*** Some examples are:
***     csh(1) and tcsh(1): limit datasize <kbytes of memory>
***     ksh(1), zsh(1) and bash(1): ulimit -d <kbytes of memory>